

Discord Bot BaseConventionsGlobal


Development standards for this project

Global Variables

There are constant global variables that you can use in method or function option objects, also using the "short syntax".

These are variables with the same name as properties that are very common when creating commands and systems for our Discord bot. When we use these properties, which are usually optional, we set a default value for them.

For example, when we often want an interaction response to be flags: ["Ephemeral"], we have to define "Ephemeral" in the flags property of the options object:

  flags: ["Ephemeral"],,
  // ...

The other flags that can be passed in the array of this property are rarely used. With this in mind, we have a global variable ready to be used in this context. Since it is global, it does not need to be imported, so it is possible to use the "short syntax" to define it:

interaction.deferReply({  }); // Contém "Ephemeral" por padrão;

This is the file that contains the global variables:

declare global {
  const flags: ["Ephemeral"];
  // ...
Object.assign(globalThis, {
  flags: ["Ephemeral"], // Propriedade de resposta da interação
  // ...

In this way, it is not necessary to import these variables since they have global visibility.

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