

Discord Bot Base


How to create discord event listeners

To create a listener for a discord event, use the Event class

First import the base

import { Event } from "#base";

Use the name property to create a custom identifier for your event, then set which discord event you expect using the event property.

import { Event } from "#base";
new Event({
    name: "Message edit logs",
    event: "messageUpdate",
    run(oldMessage, newMessage) {
        console.log("Message edited at:", newMessage.editedAt?.toDateString());
        console.log("Author", newMessage.author?.displayName);
        console.log("Old message content: ", oldMessage.content);
        console.log("New message content:", newMessage.content);   

All discord events are typed by the event property, when you choose an event, the run method will be automatically typed with all the arguments that this event receives.

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