

Discord Bot BaseCommands


How to create discord autocomplete commands

It's required have a slash command to create an autocomplete option

You can create an autocomplete option in your command and respond to it using the autocomplete method above run

new Command({
	name: "search",
	description: "Search command",
	type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput,
	options: [
			name: "query",
			description: "Query",
			type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
			autocomplete: true,
	async autocomplete(interaction) {
		const focused = interaction.options.getFocused();
		const results = await searchData(focused);
		if (results.length < 1) return;
		const choices = results.map(data => ({
			name: data.title, value: data.url
		interaction.respond(choices.slice(0, 25));
	async run(interaction){
		const { options } = interaction;
		const query = options.getString("query", true);
		interaction.reply({ ephemeral, content: query });

If you have a large number of items, use autocomplete to try to find it

new Command({
    // ...
    async autocomplete(interaction) {
		const { options, guild } = interaction;
        const focused = options.getFocused();
        const documents = await db.get(guild.id);
        const filtered = documents.filter(
            data => data.address.toLowercase().includes(focused.toLowercase())
        if (filtered.length < 1) return;
        const choices = filtered.map(data => ({
			name: data.title, value: data.url
		interaction.respond(choices.slice(0, 25));
    // ...

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